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Where I Stand


1.  Immigration

  • Stop Undocumented Immigration at all borders.

  • Undocumented immigrants currently in the United States should not receive Amnesty.

  • Non-felons would be eligible to pay fines in the following manner:

  • Adults: Would be fined $1,000 per adult.

  • Children: Individuals not born in the U.S. would be fined $250 per child.

  • After individuals have met these requirements their name would be added to the bottom of our official waiting list for U.S. citizenship.



2.  Abortion

  • Human Life begins at the moment of conception. With the exception of saving a mother's life, abortion doesn't represent an acceptable solution for an unwanted pregnancy.

  • In the case of rape or incest, those individuals have my sincere empathy. However there are alternatives to abortion which include adoption or simply becoming a loving, caring parent.


3.  Marriage

  • Marriage by almost any historical or biblical definition should be between a man and a women.

  • However between the courts, state legislatures and popular state votes, 35 states now approve of same sex marriages. It has almost become a non-issue at the federal level.



4. Taxes

  • Our federal Income tax system needs to be totally revamped with a theme of an equitable taxation for all and much simpler method.

  • American companies overseas should be taxed at the same percentage as their parent companies back home.



5.  Budget & Spending

  • We need to move to a balanced budget as quickly as possible.

  • A plan to amortise the entire deficit over a period of 15, 20 or 30 years should also be put in place. It could work simply by acting as if the deficit were a mortage on America's house. Payments are paid monthly until the balance has been paid in full.



6.  Second Amendment

  • Law Abiding Americans have and should continue to have the right to own and bear arms.

  • The logical way to combat senseless random killings? Not more gun laws, we have thousands of such laws but rather stronger penalties for criminals committing crimes with guns.

  • The proper training for use of guns will eliminate many of the senseless accidental gun injuries and better prepare future soldiers who will serve in our Armed Forces, including our Militia.



7.  National Defense

  • Our National Defense needs to be second to none. We need the best equipped soldiers with the highest tech equipment available. Our planes, ships etc. needs to be on the cutting edge at all times.

  • Currently our size in numbers of our troops are dangerously low. Soldiers should not have to serve 3 and 4 tours of duty in order to fill the required number of troops in any given situation.

  • Consequently we are not in a good position to be fighting a ground war on two fronts or in two different countries.



8.  Veterans

  • Veterans need to be given the appropriate backing after their active duty ends. This includes medical care, both physical and mental in first rate facilities. If care outside of VA Hospitals should occur due to large backlogs of patients or a shortage of Specialists, cooperation with Hospitals and Medical Specialists outside the VA facilities should be in place.

  • Veterans should be given top priority when filling jobs in either government or private sector.

  • In order to facilitate good paying jobs for veterans, we need to monitor Community Colleges, Universities, Trade Schools, etc., confirming that they are in fact preparing these veterans for the professions of their choice.

Prior to enrolling in a chosen field our veterans should be given in depth aptitude tests and counselling that will give these students to be a logical choice to pursue as they prepare for their future careers.



9.  Freedom Of Religion

  • Freedom of Religion remains one of our four Great Freedoms!

  • To exclude any legitimate religion today may well leave an opening for your religion or your neighbor's religion to have the freedom of practicing their religion taken away tomorrow.



10.  Education

  • Education or lack of education will determine the future of America.

  • The environment that children experience long before their formal education begins, often determines their future success.

  • Preschool, kindergarten and the early years of grade school represent the next great opportunity to motivate and educate the youth of our country.

  • Reliable testing has shown that our secondary schools on average are not performing at the highest level when compared to other countries, especially in areas like science in math.

  • However we continue to produce in somewhat limited numbers outstanding students in many areas, including math and science.

  • At the college level the quality of education may be a secondary problem when compared to the cost of that education. Congress argues over student loan interest rates instead of tackling the core problem of somehow helping to control and possibly reducing the cost of education as they work with college administrators to develop mutual goals to once again make education affordable.

  • Community Colleges, and various trade schools offer good alternatives for students after high school, our veterans and continued education for adults.

  • We are doing well in many areas but we must do better, much better if we expect to continue being the leader of the free world.



11.  Energy

  • We must continue to explore and do research for alternative types of energy.

  • However at same time we should continue to maximize the utilization of the natural resources we have here in North America. This includes oil, coal and natural gas. New techniques have once again made us the leader in oil exports while coal and natural gas are playing major roles too.

  • In spite of some concerns, Nuclear Power Plants may well play an expanded role for future energy needs.



12.  Jobs

  • We need to expand opportunities in the area of job expansion.

  • More importantly Congress needs to facilitate the private sector's ability to expand the quantity of better paying jobs. After all if we wish the sale of homes, automobiles and other big ticket items to increase, we need more qualified buyers.

  • Once again, education, training and retraining will play major roles in the process.



13.  Economy

  • Adam Smith-The Father of Economics: proponent of "Laissez-faire, the invisible hand (free market capitalism)

  • Adam Smith's Book The Wealth Of Nations  basically created the School of Thought known as Classical Economics which remains live and well today.

  • Keynesian Economics (John Maynard Keynes) based on the economic theory of circular flow of money. One person's spending goes towards another person’s earning...The cycle continues on and on.

  • What helps to eliminate a poor economy? “Prime the pump,” government increases spending by either increasing the money supply or actually buying things for itself. Defense Spending would be a good example. Individual States can improve the economy through prudent spending also.



14.  Healthcare

  • 27% of the Federal Budget goes to Healthcare

  • We must find a more efficient method of taking care of our health needs.



 "We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." - Declaration of Independence

Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.


-A. Lincoln

"All Men are created equal"

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